We were given an apk (Login.apk). using dex2jar + jd we can see decompiled code of the apk.
$ d2j-dex2jar Login.apk
dex2jar Login.apk -> ./Login-dex2jar.jar
In MainActivity class we have following onCreate method:
this.a is a Button and last line set a listener a
class on it:
We are interested in (i==1 & (this.a.e != “unknown”)). the second part is not necessary since it is initialized with Build.SERIAL. So we are dealing with (i==1):
paramView = this.a.a(paramView);
this.a is MainActivity class and this.a.a is:
According to HidingUtil we have following code:
So hidingutil library is important to us. besides we have following line:
int i = this.a.processObject(paramView);
and we can see processObject is also a hidingUtil library function.
Let’s disassemble libhidingutil.so:
$ unzip Login.apk lib/x86/libhidingutil.so
processObject disassembly:
and its psuedo code:
int Java_sharif_cert_ctf_MainActivity_processObject(char *input)
char *out = "fx1uagMGQQMWOWhyFBxnBUdzN35NPWYHUBQHRmozeEY=";
int len = 45;
char *ptr = input;
int check = 0;
if (!len)
check = *ptr++ == *out++;
} while (check);
return check == 0;
HidingUtil_hide disassembly:
after cleaning function and removing unnecessary parts we have following pseudo code:
void value_with_key(inb, outb)
char *aMy_s3cr3t_p_W0 = "My_S3cr3t_P@$$W0rD"; // .rodata
char l;
int idx = 0;
for (l=inb[0]; l; l = inb[idx])
out[idx] = aMy_s3cr3t_p_W0[idx % 0x13] ^ l;
char *Java_sharif_cert_ctf_HidingUtil_hide(char *input)
char out[33];
value_with_key(input, out);
char *rv = Base64Encode(out);
return rv;
So what is we should solve is:
Java_sharif_cert_ctf_MainActivity_processObject(Java_sharif_cert_ctf_HidingUtil_hide(“flag”)) == 1;
And our solver code:
a = "fx1uagMGQQMWOWhyFBxnBUdzN35NPWYHUBQHRmozeEY="
pw = "My_S3cr3t_P@$$W0rD\x00"
print len(pw)
a = a.decode("base64")
b = ""
i = 0
for c in a:
b += chr(0xff & (ord(c) ^ ord(pw[i % 0x13])))
i += 1
print "flag:", b