
memo is a x86_64 pwn challenge with provided libc. FULL RELRO and PIE is disabled. At start we should provide an username (and password). We can do the following operations:

  1. Insert new memo of size 0x20 up to 4
  2. Edit last memo
  3. View memo by index
  4. Delete memo by index
  5. Change Username and Password you entered before

There is also a two table (array) at .bss which keeps memo address and its size (<= 0x20).


After analysing each function it can be seen as memo has multiple issues:

  1. At new_message 0x400C52 if we enter size more than 0x20 we can overflow an heap allocation by malloc(0x20) with our size. and the allocated space won’t be placed in memos table
  2. At edit_last_message 0x400DA8 we can leak heap address after editing.
  3. At view_memo 0x400E56 index is not checked against negative values although due to casting we can’t use this infoleak.
  4. At change_password 0x400FF6 there is an off-by-one on entering password which overwrite LSB (Least significant byte) of first (index == 0) memo size.

As you may noticed we have heap overflow (via using 4 or 1) but based on size limitation we should trick fastbins to own the challenge.


First of all we need a fastbin free chain. So allocating two chunk both of size 0x20 and then freeing the chunks in inverse order gives us a fastbin free chain of size 48 (0x30). We can then use 1 vulnerability to overflow the heap and corrupt heap so that free chain last pointer points to our arbitrary address. But remember we should provide our pointer in such a way that it bypasses the fastbin malloc corruption checks. To do so we should use an address with having a metadata (address-4) of size 48. For this case i choose memo table so if i can overwrite pointers in the table i have infoleak + write-what-where primitive. As i described earlier we can use password since it is located just behind the table. after overwriting the second pointer in the table and using view_memo i have libc leak and stack leak. Due to binary compiled with FULL RELRO protection, we can overwrite stack or creating a fake tls_dtors struct (but due to new protection against tls_dtors and issues in some cases i choose option 1). After leaking we can overwrite the second pointer in the table again with stack address and pwn the challenge.

You can see my exploit